Buy Prednisolone Online


It is a steroid which is usually used to treat allergic reaction, skin problems, psoriasis, arthritis and others.

Drug Related Drug Names
Millipred DP

Three groups of side effects

This is a prescribed drug which is used both by people and some animals. As this medication has a wide-spread effect it is very popular and thousands of people have already experience its effectiveness.

As every prescribed medication Prednisolone has its advantages and disadvantages. Among its advantages we can mention a wide range of diseases it can treat and easiness of its taking, small list of medications which it interacts with.

As for disadvantages here we can mention side effects which may occur when taking this drug. The majority of side effects happen if you overdose or take other medications, when you break some certain rules.

We can classify common side effects into three main groups.

The first group is symptoms which may occur immediately after the first dose, if these effects occur it means that you have an allergy reaction to this medication. If it is hard for you to breathe, your tongue increased in size, you suffer from itching, high temperature and similar symptoms you should ask for help at once.

The second group of symptoms which may every person have and these effects are not very serious and they don’t require any special doctor’s care.

To this group belong headaches, insomnia, problems with sleeping, acne, hyperhidrosis, abdominal pains, changes in your mood etc.

Some people can experience no side effect, while others can suffer from side effects which are related to the third and rather dangerous group, in this case they have to ask for a doctor’s help. In the third group we can find vision loss, weight gain, depression, extra anxiety, strange thoughts, and stools with blood, pancreatitis, weakness, low heart rate and blood pressure.

We can’t guarantee that these are all side effects which may occur, because every day we found out new and new symptoms but nevertheless be sure that you are in safety, we control everything.


We don’t want to take the responsibilities of your doctor; we just want to tell about dosing of Prednisolone in general.

Of course dosages vary from person to person depending on its individual needs, diseases which are treated and condition of patient’s health. The smallest dose is 5 mg and it can be increased to 60 mg per day.

Doctors advise to take Prednisolone with food and due to this food will absorb much better and faster, and its effectiveness will increase.

Prednisolone for animals

This medication is used for treating inflammatory diseases of your pets. To buy it you are supposed to have a prescription list from veterinarian. It is usually given to cats and dogs.

To lessen stomach problems in your pets you have to give it to your pet with food.

Usual dose for animals is 5 mg a day, when your veterinarian says that it is enough for your pet to take this drug, you should remember that you shouldn’t cut it off suddenly; you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid withdrawal effects.

Remember that your pet is also breather and it can also have side effects and symptoms, so provide him with all needed care and if it is needed with the help of the specialist.

Your cat or dog may suffer from sickness, insomnia, unusual behavior, stomach complications, etc.

Generally speaking it has the same effect on your pet and on you, so you may follow the instructions which were made for people to treat your animal, but anyway consult your veterinarian and follow his advice.